Bisila Noha

13 November 2021

On the 13th of November 2021 Bisila Noha, a Ceramicist and art activist, led a Discuss + Decolonise workshop at The Exchange, exploring the term “CRAFTS”.

This is the accompanying reading list to the workshop.

Reading list:

To Watch:

  • BBC Four, Handmade in Japan

  • Bow Down: Women in Art Podcast, Episode from Sep 2020: Dame Magdalene Odundo on Ladi Kwali

To Read:

  • Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plant by Robin Wall Kimmerer

  • The Beauty of Everyday Things by Soetsu Yanagi

  • The Unknown Craftsman: A Japanese Insight Into Beauty by Soetsu Yanagi

  • In Praise of Shadows by Junichiro Tanizaki

  • Why We Make Things and Why It Matters by Peter Korn

  • Women Potters by Moira Vincentelli

  • In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens by Alice Walker • The Journey of Things by Magdalene Odundo

  • SILENCE! the great silencing of British working class culture by Stefan Szczelkun 

  • Queer phenemonolygy by Sarah Ahmed.

Photo Credit: Aucoot.


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